Title: Famous for a Living Author: Melissa Ferguson Publisher: Thomas Nelson @thomasnelson Genre: Contemporary Fiction Trope: Opposites Attract
Thank you @librofm for the listening copy of Famous for a Living! I really enjoyed listening to this one. It’s narrated by Talon David and I found her very easy and enjoyable to listen to.
When influencer Cat Cranwell is accused of serious financial crimes (always read what you are signing!) she takes the only job that will have her and maybe rebuild her image; working for her uncle Terry in the Kannery National Park in Montana. Cat quickly goes from a NYC loft to a tiny cabin with a roommate and barely any heat. But not all of Montana is frigid, she has a spark with handsome park ranger, Zaiah.
My initial thoughts of Famous for a Living were “this is cute”. But as the story unfolded, it really grew too much more for me. As someone who doesn’t really wear make-up and doesn’t keep up with the latest trends, I didn’t immediately connect with the main character, influencer, Cat Cranwell. But, as she spent more and more time in the wilderness of Kannery National Park, Montana and let her guard down and the author invoked the emotional side of social media addiction, I really, really loved her and this story.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Don’t go into this one expecting a full blown romance. It’s definitely a slow burn and feels more focused on the character growth; giving it a “coming of age” vibe of sorts. I loved Zaiah. As someone who lived in Montana for a couple of years (and misses it!) I loved the scenery in this one. Well done!
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